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Manual Testing vs Automation Testing : Keeping the balance Right!

If you are a tester, then you must have had a discussion around automated or manual testing. This is nothing new, and lots of techies have different views around this. Whether you are a big team and already established an automation framework or you are a small team, new to automation, it is always necessary to keep this balance right in order to get maximum efficiency.

Progressive Web App

Testing your PWA: Progressive Web Application

PWAs or Progressive Web Applications is quite a buzz in tech media. The increased number of mobile users and the App-like experience which it provides contributed a lot to its popularity.

But what is PWA and how is it different from native mobile apps? How PWA’s are developed and what are key points which a tester should keep in mind while testing it?


What is synthetic testing?

Your website can misbehave anytime. Learn how you can use synthetic testing to watch if performance is low and correct it on-time so that your users are not affected.

Ecommerce Monitoring

5 reasons why ecommerce monitoring is so important

No website is free from technical issues. In fact, chances are, your customers faced a glitch in the past 24 hours. This is due to the issues like poor coding, incompatible browser and delays in loading at a location. If such issues go unnoticed for a long time they can damage your sales and reputation. We’ll show how you can use Synthetic Monitoring to overcome these challenges.

use synthetic monitoring for customers shopping online

Want a flawless ecommerce website? Use Synthetic Monitoring

No website is free from technical issues. In fact, chances are, your customers faced a glitch in the past 24 hours. This is due to the issues like poor coding, incompatible browser and delays in loading at a location. If such issues go unnoticed for a long time they can damage your sales and reputation. We’ll show how you can use Synthetic Monitoring to overcome these challenges.


What is Synthetic Monitoring and Why use it

Synthetic Monitoring is a simulation of user actions on a web application in order to record functional and performance metrics. The user actions can be simulated for various web browsers and geographical locations. Monitoring is then configured to run at regular intervals which enables continuous analysis.

Test Automation

What is the ROI of your test automation?

Test Automation is a strategic decision influenced by myths and facts. However, firms need to understand any test automation is an investment, which has its assumptions and a strategy, stressing the need to measure the ROI.

Artificial Intelligence

Could AI/Machine Learning stop attacks like Petya, NOPetya, WannaCry?

WannaCry, Petya/NOPetya cyberattacks, cybercrime, ransomware cyberthreats, virus are some of the buzzwords that were at its peak till last week as shown on Google trends. While some experts are predicting this a role play for something “BIG” to come, the firms, government, institutions, organizations, hospitals are looking for measures to protect themselves against the next attack. Could they?

Load Testing

How to do load testing with CloudQA?

Quite recently when “Move to Canada” was a trending term, Canada’s immigration website crashed. Not long ago, in India, during peak hours the rail booking site used to crash every day.

Continuous Testing

Need To Know the Best Practices For Continuous Agile Testing

The Delivery Manager approached the QA Head – When do you stop testing? The Head replied – We never stop testing, it should be continuous we may put a ‘,’ to pause for a while but make sure to pick it again to near perfection. The day, we stop testing, means our product is going to be the history in the market. Even if your product is stable, we need to test it if it works with new browsers, new java version?

Selenium Automation

Why Selenium is the “Best Open Source Tool” for Automation Testing?

Technology has provided us with options, but most of the options are not sustainable! They live for a shorter duration and then turn to history! Today technology needs to be unlimited, unconditional, Adaptive to change and seamless, could you think of any tools/technologies that are progressive and stable for more than a decade? We have…