
Best Selenium IDE Alternative for Complex Web Testing

The Selenium IDE is a record and playback testing tool. A Tester can use it to create test scripts without coding and export them (to Selenium WebDriver) for executing the test. It simplified generating test cases, but due to growing intricacies of web technologies and lack of resources for support, Selenium IDE’s development was shut down.

Being minimal, Selenium IDE is now a popular tool for learning Selenium rather than a solution for creating and maintaining complex test suites. For comprehensive testing, a tester would use Selenium WebDriver. But to learn the ropes of WebDriver is difficult. And even when mastered, it doesn’t make test maintenance any easier.

The IDE and WebDriver from Selenium address the polar sets of testing skills. The gap between these web testing tools is filled by CloudQA.

Why CloudQA in place of Selenium IDE?

CloudQA has the simplicity of Selenium IDE and the vigour of Selenium WebDriver. It can test today’s complex website or web applications. While testing such websites is possible with WebDriver, CloudQA offers the same in a codeless and integrated testing platform.

Test what can never be tested with Selenium IDE:

  • Custom controls like test input, drop down menus etc
  • Nested iFrames
  • Angular JS
  • Picking element CSS path
  • AJAX calls

Do away with the struggles of Selenium WebDriver in a few clicks:

  • Upload a file for data driven testing
  • Execute tests parallely
  • Test with multiple real browsers
  • Schedule tests
  • Integrate with 3rd party tools

Raise the Quality of your QA

We made CloudQA with the purpose of solving the testing difficulties of the less experienced testers and web-product companies who want higher returns on QA.

CloudQA has an intuitive application to manage the recorded test. It has a ton of built in features that aren’t available with any tool in the Selenium’s shed. Say, impact analysis is a feature in CloudQA to see what test cases might get affect in-case a CSS path is modified.

Our platform is built on top of Selenium except it’s in the clouds. It not only allows us to keep the maintenance costs low but also scale testing with speed; beyond the capabilities Selenium’s IDE or WebDriver.

What can you do with CloudQA in 30 days?

You really need to use it to see what we say is true. Sign Up for a 30-day free trial and test your web applications with fully loaded features. You can set it up in minutes and start maintaining your tests from day one.


Benefits of Managed Testing with CloudQA
Fast track your testing process
Benefits of Managed Testing with CloudQA
Fast track your testing process

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