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Case Study

How HDFC Life improved user experience for 3.5 Million monthly active users

HDFC Life’s goal is to provide an optimal user experience when customers shop for insurance online. Being an insurance leader, HDFC Life offers large number of insurance products with multiple features. They have over 50 types of insurance products, premium calculators, payment gateways and user accounts on their web portal. But keeping a check on the frequent application changes and how it affected the end users was a challenge for the team. By using a combination of regression testing and synthetic monitoring solutions provided by CloudQA, HDFC Life was able to overcome several issues, taking the user experience to the next level.

In doing so HDFC Life was able to:

  • Generate any critical user workflow required for monitoring in under 10 minutes
  • Monitor the application over real browsers that gave them insights into real user experience
  • Get precise information on where and why an issue occurred
  • Create consistent and detailed reports
  • Gain control over performance goals

CloudQA team constantly speak with the four team members who manage synthetic monitoring at HDFC LIfe. When it came to a monitoring approach, their team lead was most concerned with easy management of critical workflows, integration of the approach in the current tech stack, customizable execution and reporting. A few issues (that many can relate to) and how the HDFC Life team overcame them are mentioned below:

Tangled in code

For HDFC Life, writing workflow scripts had become a roadblock to scale their monitoring operations. Moreover, the piled up workflow scripts were getting unmanageable. CloudQA’s TruMonitor was just the tool that  the team needed. They were able to transform their web monitoring from a coded to a codeless web monitoring environment in a matter of days. The team was able to save a lot of time in creating and maintaining the workflows. They were able to create and maintain 87 workflows in a week which would otherwise have taken them months to achieve!

“We had great experience with CloudQA. It is a very helpful tool to easily automate workflows and requires very little coding knowledge. It also has many features that makes our work easier. The support team is very helpful and provides updates on any issues raised, promptly.”, says Felix, QA responsible for web monitoring on HDFC Life.

Heavy web pages

It is very important for HDFC Life to measure the browser behavior when a potential customer is going through an insurance purchase journey on their platform. They have client-heavy web pages and want to get the best possible behavioral insights on popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox and IE. HDFC Life found that CloudQA was the only tool that was able to achieve this. CloudQA offered a monitoring approach via real browsers which gave them the precise performance insights they were looking for.

Fast response

HDFC Life required some integration work to customize the alerts and notifications generated by CloudQA. Our team implemented their requirements to integrate TruMonitor with PagerDuty in a matter of days.  This low turnaround time along with a responsive support team has won a ton of appreciation from HDFC Life.


Performance improvement of an online web application like HDFC Life is not an optional task. You have to put in a lot of effort into it. To manage performance effectively, it is crucial to ensure that your goals are specific, measurable, and achievable in a realistic timeframe. With the help of TruMonitor, the team at HDFC Life uses data to know the impact on performance in a timely manner and takes corrective actions before thousands of their users are affected which in turn, can impact their decision to purchase insurance online.

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