CloudQA Library
CloudQA – Why User Experience is of utmost Priority to Deliver Quality
As a product based firm CloudQA often in its demo sessions is hit by a query – How do you assure quality to the digital audience each time? Our answer is simple – We value user experience more than the code.
Top Five Reasons Why Testers Need to Be “Ethical Hackers” To Stop threats like WannaCry
Cyber threats and data security are one of the first concern of any firm. As an organization, what do you do to save yourselves from cyber threat? Firewalls? Anti-virus? Or Setting up processes and educating employees?
Top Five Reasons to use Synthetic Monitoring Tool
Our last article on Load Testing mentioned about website crash happening due to high traffic. So how does the website owner know if the website has crashed?
How to do load testing with CloudQA?
Quite recently when “Move to Canada” was a trending term, Canada’s immigration website crashed. Not long ago, in India, during peak hours the rail booking site used to crash every day.
Is Codeless Automation dependent on the Agile framework?
Recently when we were hit by a query from a start-up firm looking for TAAS, we gratefully acknowledge them. But when they replied asking us – We do not follow Agile, would codeless automation fit our strategy? At that very moment, we thought of coming up with this post –
Test Data Management – An Integral Part of Testing-as-a-service
While availing Testing-as-a-service[#TaaS], benefits like Cost Reduction and Revenue Optimization seemed obvious but did you double check if the package is inclusive of #Test Data Management?
How Test Automation Accelerates Time-to-Market and Boosts Software Quality
How Test Automation Accelerates Time-to-Market and Boosts Software Quality
How To Select a Regression Testing Automation Tool For Web Applications
Regression testing is an essential component in a web application development cycle. However, it’s often a time-consuming and tedious task in the QA process.
Switching from Manual to Automated QA Testing
Do you or your team currently test manually and trying to break into test automation? In this article, we outline how can small QA teams make transition from manual to codeless testing to full fledged automated testing.
Why you can’t ignore test planning in agile?
An agile development process seems too dynamic to have a test plan. Most organisations with agile, specially startups, don’t take the documented approach for testing. So, are they losing on something?
Challenges of testing Single Page Applications with Selenium
Single-page web applications are popular for their ability to improve the user experience. Except, test automation for Single-page apps can be difficult and time-consuming. We’ll discuss how you can have a steady quality control without burning time and effort.
Why is Codeless Test Automation better than Conventional Test Automation?
Testing is important for quality user experience. Being an integral part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), it is necessary that testing has speed, efficiency and flexibility. But in agile development methodology, testing could be mechanical, routine and time-consuming.