CloudQA Library
Five business problems you could solve with automation testing
Automation is now a phenomenon! One click booking, Auto-filters, interconnected and automated appliances,etc. are now anessential part of our living.
What is the ROI of your test automation?
Test Automation is a strategic decision influenced by myths and facts. However, firms need to understand any test automation is an investment, which has its assumptions and a strategy, stressing the need to measure the ROI.
Why is Predictive Analysis an Emerging Trend in QA?
What kind of QA person are you? Reactive or Proactive? Let’s take a quiz to find out; please answer YES/NO to each of the questions
Could AI/Machine Learning stop attacks like Petya, NOPetya, WannaCry?
WannaCry, Petya/NOPetya cyberattacks, cybercrime, ransomware cyberthreats, virus are some of the buzzwords that were at its peak till last week as shown on Google trends. While some experts are predicting this a role play for something “BIG” to come, the firms, government, institutions, organizations, hospitals are looking for measures to protect themselves against the next attack. Could they?
Why is it Critical to Check Security during API Testing?
The $13.7 billion acquisition of the Whole Foods Market by Amazon is shaping a dynamic platform that channels diverse services and processes. By leveraging Cloud and APIs, Amazon is offering technologies and process innovations beyond the confines of the organizations.
Benefits of Cloud based Regression Testing
The application developments are very dynamic. Companies are launching new applications; roll out the versions in very short times.
How Test Automation Accelerates Time-to-Market and Boosts Software Quality
How Test Automation Accelerates Time-to-Market and Boosts Software Quality
How To Select a Regression Testing Automation Tool For Web Applications
Regression testing is an essential component in a web application development cycle. However, it’s often a time-consuming and tedious task in the QA process.
Switching from Manual to Automated QA Testing
Do you or your team currently test manually and trying to break into test automation? In this article, we outline how can small QA teams make transition from manual to codeless testing to full fledged automated testing.
Why you can’t ignore test planning in agile?
An agile development process seems too dynamic to have a test plan. Most organisations with agile, specially startups, don’t take the documented approach for testing. So, are they losing on something?
Challenges of testing Single Page Applications with Selenium
Single-page web applications are popular for their ability to improve the user experience. Except, test automation for Single-page apps can be difficult and time-consuming. We’ll discuss how you can have a steady quality control without burning time and effort.
Why is Codeless Test Automation better than Conventional Test Automation?
Testing is important for quality user experience. Being an integral part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), it is necessary that testing has speed, efficiency and flexibility. But in agile development methodology, testing could be mechanical, routine and time-consuming.