
How It Works

Record & Playback

Transform your manual testing effort to automation

Easy and effective testing via Record and Playback. You can create end-to-end functional tests without writing any code. All you need to do is install the CloudQA Chrome browser extension, Login to CloudQA extension and start recording tests. It’s as simple as that.

Record and playback
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Comprehensive Reporting

CloudQA analyzes the data and generates automated reports for you that can save you a lot of time.

Intuitive heat maps allow you to drill down the problem areas in an instant.

CloudQA’s classification feature provides an easy way to separate your application into critical/non-critical areas and functional specific areas.


Get a bird’s eye view of your testing environment

CloudQA dashboard effectively summarizes and provides high level information about your application test results. You can see the latest test coverage for your application environment (auto discovered test cases v/s test cases configured). You can start drilling down from the high level health reports that cover both the functional and the performance test results of your application.

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