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Benefits of Cloud based Regression Testing

The application developments are very dynamic. Companies are launching new applications; roll out the versions in very short times. This is the constant challenge that most companies face. As the new versions of applications, create capabilities to expand your application, it’s imperative to test your app quickly over an ever expanding variety of devices so your newer versions are as spotless as ever. By Implementing this innovative Cloud based testing you can achieve and ensure optimal performance and user experience regardless of the type of device, browser, operating system, geographical location and network service provider.

Cloud Based Testing

Cloud based Testing

A Cloud based Testing for applications can be a potential solution that can offer companies a feasible & viable solution. Cloud based Testing for applications offers Web-based access to a large pool of real devices connected to live networks spread globally, providing enterprises with end-to-end control for manual and automated testing practices.

By now, most enterprises have used or at least have heard about cloud computing. However, with the advent of technology and the rapid increase in the number of users, the need for Cloud computing is increasing fast. Before adopting this new technology for your own business needs, it is important to understand the benefits of Cloud based Testing for your applications.


Distributed teams are more and more common nowadays. For the teams spread across different locations the Cloud based test management platform make it possible to easily collaborate with each other. You can log in from anywhere in the world, at any time, on any device, and get access to the project. The team can access the test environment from different locations anywhere in the world. A central repository for all of your testing efforts that’s updated in real-time makes it infinitely easier to share important data, communicate with each other, and track all of your testing efforts.

Collaboration and Continuous Testing

 You can test 24 hours a day. A central server connects to a series of machines located anywhere you want. A tester in any company office can connect to the cloud and select the machine he wants to test his application on. Say the day starts with European testers, moving on to North American team & ends at India QA team. This establishes a 24 hour round the clock testing process that won’t stop until your app is on the market.

This gives numerous companies, especially startups, a competitive edge. For example, if companies have a globally spread teams located on the opposite ends of the world, they can still collaborate on the most complex projects using cloud-based technologies to test their applications. All in all, this speeds up decision-making, and hence helps in speedy delivery of the project.

Benefits of Virtualization

Virtualization of testing on Cloud enables companies to get the best out of their resources with the flexibility and efficient results.  As applications become increasingly complex, virtualization brings in the benefit of resource sharing with reduced capital costs.

Budget Pricing

When you compare regular web automation tools to the cloud based, you can find the cloud based ones at a very reasonable price.  In case of regular web automation tools this is obvious from the fact that you need not spend a huge amount of money to upgrade the hardware or infrastructure. Moreover in Cloud based tools, the option of ‘pay as you use’ lets you use the tools only when it is necessary, and therefore, saves on the costs later when you are not using them. This works for most companies, especially the ones who are looking to cut down on their expenses.

Ease of Access

Cloud-based test automation tools are plug and play the moment you buy them. Easy access through the Internet allows team members to work from anywhere, anytime. No more installation woes, setup requirements, hunting for servers, or prepping of hardware to start using them. You can ignore the IT management as it is already covered in services and keep focused on the core functionalities of an enterprise.

Favors Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration – Every time you add a piece of code, test it & then redeploy it. Cloud based Testing for application is ideal for continuous integration. The various tests executed over the test pass, the app immediately moves to production and release. Cloud testing ensures that you can test under larger scenarios right away. New builds can become new versions faster than ever before, benefiting not only the testing team but also the entire development team as well.

Increase the Test Coverage better quality

Nonstop & parallel Cloud based testing of applications gives you the luxury of expanding the amount of scenarios you can cover in the same time period. Cloud testing environments offer highly synchronized and pre-configured architectures. These pre-built environments radically reduce the defects associated with unstable test configurations. With Cloud-based solutions, test your App across different environments. This improves the quality of tests to a great extent as wells as maximum test coverage in the minimum time.

Testing on different environment, more test coverage at lower cost

In most cases, cloud applications have minimal or no upfront cost. It is very much a pay-for-use service which has helped to grow adoption of the model, especially for SMBs. Without hefty fees for licensing and upgrades, the cost of adoption is less of a barrier when cash flow is an issue.

Economical testing solution

No need to buy duplicate devices even if you have more than one testing team located in different offices. Cloud based automation tools requires less hardware, doesn’t have per seat licensing costs and are very cheaper. This implies minimal capital expenditure and depreciation costs. No capital expenditure and much faster deployment times mean you can have minimal project start-up cost and infrastructure cost.

It’s Time Efficient

Like every automation tools cloud base tools too offer high productivity In less time and some additional benefits. Like quick setup, readymade environment setup, scale able and reliable. With Cloud based testing tools, there are no additional needs to advanced testing tools, server configurations, licensing, and testing resources. All of these features allow you complete the testing process within the stipulated time frame, or possibly even before that. Unlike traditional tools, they do not involve a lengthy set up and installation process. Testing can begin almost immediately from anywhere in the world. Faster testing reduces the time to market which gives companies a big competitive advantage.

Parallel execution

Coupled with the right web test automation tool like selenium, parallel execution enables you to run the same tests on multiple environments and configurations all at the same time. Instead of being limited to your computer infrastructure, you can run a test on different environments all of their own combination of sizes, versions, operating systems, even under different simulated network conditions.

Performance Testing

Using Cloud based Testing for applications enables scalable simulation of virtual users is possible at significantly lower cost. Using a cloud based approach to performance testing, the hardware is all in the cloud, using existing infrastructure. With this approach, servers can be spun up to simulate thousands of virtual users in minutes, with the charges based on a pay for what you use model. Businesses can simply schedule time for a test and resources are automatically provisioned. Licenses are now much more flexible for performance testing tools, with the rise of open source tools allowing even greater savings for comparable quality, when combined with a cloud based load provider.

Real-time Report Generation

Real time report generation of the cloud based tools provide reports thought the testing is in progress. This allows all members of the project team to collaborate in real time on a test, often including software suppliers – so that problems can be identified and rapidly resolved.

Effortless and Reliable IT Management

Cloud based tools are up and running all the time as there is a dedicated team working on the platform. You can expect 24-hour support and you should seek a contract where you’re compensated for any downtime. Reliability should be much higher than with a locally maintained solution that’s serviced by a stretched internal IT department with a lot of other things to attend to.

Cloud based tools cut down a lot of the IT management tasks inherent to traditional tools like installation, licensing, adding/replacing users and simultaneous implementation of upgrades in systems across geographies etc. With less IT management to do, employees can focus on core activities that can make a difference to a company’s business.

Easily Scalable

It’s a simple fact that projects demand different levels of testing at different points in their life cycle. Whether you automate or bring in more testers to shoulder the increasing burden, you want a management tool that’s easy to scale up and down. Cloud-based versions of the tools can be used for functional testing, performance testing, and many other testing types. In short, they can be used as a complete test management tools. With a cloud-base service you can forget about installation, configuration, and maintenance woes. You have a simple browser log-in that’s accessible on any device, and you can add or remove licenses whenever you need to.

Agile Friendly development

Agile development is the concept that cross-functional teams are involved through-out the development process, unlike the vintage development lifecycles. Cloud based Testing empowers every member with all of the tools at his fingertips regardless of where he is or what he is working on at the current moment. Hence we can say Cloud-based test management tools are agile friendly and flexible.

Traditional Model vs. Cloud-based

An increasing number of applications are migrating from the in-house to cloud-based development environments in order to build their apps more cost efficiently, with lower maintenance and operational costs. There are potential benefits of most of the developers, but not all companies can rely on cloud-based environments due to security, privacy risks, etc,. In fact, all developers & testers must carefully evaluate their needs before committing to either approach to avoid compliance issues and unforeseen expenses.



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