Test Automation Articles

Testing your PWA: Progressive Web Application
PWAs or Progressive Web Applications is quite a buzz in tech media. The increased number of mobile users and the App-like experience which it provides contributed a lot to its popularity.
But what is PWA and how is it different from native mobile apps? How PWA’s are developed and what are key points which a tester should keep in mind while testing it?

Automated regression testing ascertains code changes and functionality issues
Automated Regression Testing ascertains code changes and functionality issues. In other words, it is a quality measurement check to discover if new code complies with the old code so that the remaining unmodified code stays unaffected.

Switching from Manual to Automated QA Testing
Do you or your team currently test manually and trying to break into test automation? In this article, we outline how can small QA teams make transition from manual to codeless testing to full fledged automated testing.

What is synthetic testing?
Your website can misbehave anytime. Learn how you can use synthetic testing to watch if performance is low and correct it on-time so that your users are not affected.

Dynatrace vs CloudQA Synthetic Monitoring Tools Comparison
Most website description of the tools only add to confusion and you can lose a ton of time if you pick a tool that doesn’t match your expectations.

Synthetic Monitoring – why & when to use it
Website monitoring has advanced from checking for web page availability to analysing real user journeys through a website. Learn if synthetic monitoring is the right fit for you to maintain a quality digital experience.

How Test Automation Accelerates Time-to-Market and Boosts Software Quality
How Test Automation Accelerates Time-to-Market and Boosts Software Quality

How To Select a Regression Testing Automation Tool For Web Applications
Regression testing is an essential component in a web application development cycle. However, it’s often a time-consuming and tedious task in the QA process.

Switching from Manual to Automated QA Testing
Do you or your team currently test manually and trying to break into test automation? In this article, we outline how can small QA teams make transition from manual to codeless testing to full fledged automated testing.

Why you can’t ignore test planning in agile?
An agile development process seems too dynamic to have a test plan. Most organisations with agile, specially startups, don’t take the documented approach for testing. So, are they losing on something?

Challenges of testing Single Page Applications with Selenium
Single-page web applications are popular for their ability to improve the user experience. Except, test automation for Single-page apps can be difficult and time-consuming. We’ll discuss how you can have a steady quality control without burning time and effort.

Why is Codeless Test Automation better than Conventional Test Automation?
Testing is important for quality user experience. Being an integral part of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), it is necessary that testing has speed, efficiency and flexibility. But in agile development methodology, testing could be mechanical, routine and time-consuming.