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5 reasons why ecommerce monitoring is so important

Performance of your web application can make or break your growth efforts. It’s critical for good shopping experience which in turn affects your revenue, loyalty, and reputation. Organizing a performance management strategy helps to balance risks and deliver a user experience that exceeds customer expectations. Ecommerce Monitoring is a useful tool to help your digital performance deliver that great user experience. Let’s dive deep into why you need ecommerce monitoring.

Ecommerce Monitoring

Errors occur unexpectedly

Demand for shopping is 24*7. But how would you know if something went wrong while users are shopping? For example – during late hours, there is an increase in the traffic, at such point if users experience a delay in loading or encounter a 404 error, it will impact your sales and customers trust. Ecommerce monitoring can assist in such situation by continuously monitoring the performance and alerts the team for technical glitches. It constantly helps in preventing a bad shopping experience.

3rd party services can you slow you down

Thanks to innovative technologies like API integrations, you can hook up the website with a service of your choice. For example, you may use a plugin that helps in customer analytics or a promotional banner.

Such services can cause your website to slow down or malfunction. It may not be apparent on your device but real users with different browsers and geographical locations can get affected. Ecommerce monitoring tool help you in detecting any issues with 3rd party services.

Test Web services

Your e-commerce business need collaboration with a number of services like – application vendors, application development tool suppliers, and middleware vendors. With the continuous exchange of data, smooth communication with assured quality is of importance. While web services offer modular solutions, e-commerce monitoring assist in supervising these services, testing the workflows and reporting any issues. It could help your firm in delivering superior quality when compared to competitors, improving the website rating and enhanced brand equity

Analyse and Baseline Performance

E-commerce Monitoring helps in benchmarking the performance of your web application all time. Guarding your website and measuring its performance all throughout the day over a period say a month, quarter or annually may be tough. Monitoring takes assistance from the marked baseline, mirror the same test in the live environment and provide you with a comparison result. You can then quickly analyze the gap between the expected and actual result. With all data in hand, you could identify the areas of improvement and strategize your development accordingly and stay ahead amongst your competitors.

A Detailed Report to Debug Issues

Customer expectations are rising, and they don’t tolerate slow performances. Presence of alternatives makes it easy for them to abandon a web app with quality issues. Bad experience affects the user’s impression of a brand.


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