Case Study
How early testing helped Bloomz to maintain the Quality
About Bloomz:
Bloomz provides a unified platform that combines all aspects of the district, school and class communication, coordination, and behavior management in one powerful, easy-to-use platform.
Challenges faced:
As any company Bloomz always ensures the quality of the production application remains high, i.e. as free from defects as possible. Bloomz is a feature rich application which has different modules and varied features to be tested. Manually testing all the features of the application is a great challenge if there is a key deployment. As it involves teacher, student and parent modules have to be glitch free. They did try out different automation tools for testing but ended up manually as it required constant maintenance.
The Solution:
Bloomz is a communication platform for Teachers, students and parents which enables them to share pictures, calendars, performance of students and many more. The end-to-end communication from a parent-teacher, teacher-student has to be tested. CloudQA gave a provision to create complex and rational test cases which test end-to-end flow of the Bloomz application. Bloomz created different regression test suites which covered the majority of test cases and scheduled them to run regularly to identify broken functionality in the test environment. The regression test suite is extremely valuable for the app development team as it serves as a safety net they can rely on when they make changes that break things.
Also, CloudQA has reduced the time of manual testing with the help of regression testing and continuous monitoring of the application. Bloomz is an evolving application with continuous enhancements, CloudQA has made sure that the selectors captured are reliable and using impact analysis the maintenance is also made easier.
The Results:
Regression suites are now helping Bloomz to identify bugs prior to production deployment and mitigate product malfunctions
Earlier Bloomz occasionally had a regression testing which took a lot of manual effort and more time to fix the bugs. Now with continuous regression testing it is easier to identify bugs and reduce the time to fix the issues.
Now with CloudQA they can create tests at a faster pace and can be created by developers and non-developers. Now the quality of the product is maintained, increased in deployment velocity and greater customer satisfaction.
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